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At Kramer & Montiel Psychology, we primarily use a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) approach, as the efficacy of CBT is supported by extensive research. CBT is typically a short-term process in which the therapist takes an instructional and active role to help the client achieve specific goals. The basic premise of CBT is to help individuals understand that their perceptions strongly influence how they feel and behave. Although CBT is strongly rooted in science, building trust and rapport with each client is an essential part of our treatment process. When individuals begin to understand the connections between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, they feel empowered to improve their mood and level of productivity. During the sessions, clients are taught the skills to identify and change distorted or unrealistic thoughts. Their work often continues outside of the sessions, as they are encouraged to make changes in their thinking and behavior in their daily lives. This process helps our clients become actively involved in their own treatment, so they can continue to use these tools long after treatment ends.

When treating young children, we adapt our approach to match their developmental level by using games, visuals, or role-play. Parents and caregivers are often included in the process to help children implement the skills they learn in therapy. When working with older children and adolescents, we understand their need to feel autonomous and truly heard. We encourage them to draw conclusions and make decisions independently while under the guidance of someone who has their best interests in mind.

kramer & montiel psychology therapy

Frequent areas of focus:

  • ADHD
  • Aggression
  • Anger management
  • Anxiety
  • Bullying
  • Depression
  • Emotional dysregulation
  • Executive dysfunction
  • Family conflict
  • Grief/Bereavement
  • Low self-esteem
  • Parenting skills
  • Peer conflict
  • Learning difficulties
  • Social skills
  • Stress management
kramer & montiel psychology