KMP offers one-on-one coaching to improve executive functioning (EF) skills in children and adolescents who struggle with planning, organization, time management and/or basic study skills. Our model is to individualize the intervention based on each student’s areas of need and to adapt the intervention to the needs of each family. Typical skills addressed include the following:
- Planning (writing down homework and creating a homework plan)
- Organization (systems for locker, home, binder, etc.)
- Time-management (prioritization and task completion)
- Study strategies (active versus passive studying, memory versus understanding, and flashcards, notes, etc.)
- Strategies for note taking and motivation.
During Executive Functioning coaching sessions, the clinician works with the student on new techniques and strategies and also with parents on how to provide support. In addition, students may be asked to complete fun homework assignments, such as trying out new technology or using checklists and other paper-and-pencil tools, in order to practice their new skills. The idea is to see what works best for each individual and family!
If you are interested in seeking executive functioning services, please contact Dr. Molly Kramer.